Thanks everyone for showing your cafe some love. Stay tuned while we tabulate and verify the winners. District winners have been awarded and the Best Cafe in Sunshine Coast announced Monday 2nd December.
Search the map or type in a postcode or suburb to find your favourite cafe on the Sunshine Coast.
Vote for your favourite cafè and tell us why you like it.
The winning cafè will win up to $15,000 in prizes.
Click through for the top cafes in each District
Vote for the best café in your area.
Recent Entrants
At the heart of our Best Café Awards is a deep-seated belief in the power of community and the vital role that local cafes play in our lives.
Last year, we were moved by the overwhelming response from the public,
Over 40,000 votes with 500 cafes nominated…. and this was just in Brisbane.
That’s why we founded the Best Café Awards – to celebrate cafes’ essential role in our communities. Last year’s overwhelming support showed us that it’s not about the size of the café; it was a testament to people’s love for their neighbourhood cafes, where baristas know their names, orders, and even pets.
As we expand to cover six regions this year, we are driven by a passion to uplift cafes, the heartbeat of our communities. The Coffee Commune is dedicated to celebrating their resilience and prioritising their sustainability – now more than ever.
The Coffee Commune ‘network’ is a powerful resource helping members navigate through today’s tough business climate; a genuine collaboration to accelerate your business success and profitability.